Dust Storms

Dust Storms

Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center - Earthshots

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Even with these reservoirs, dry lakebeds surrounding Zabol are problematic. A “120-day wind” blows in this region. These persistent spring and summer winds can cause dust storms in and around Zabol.

Zabol reports dozens of dust storms every year. Clouds of dust from the lakebed cause breathing problems and can spread respiratory diseases. Many villages in the region have been abandoned.

The August 2000 image shows an extensive dust storm blowing sediment off the dry lakebed toward the south. The dust plumes obscure most land features and reach to Lake Gowd-e Zareh and beyond.


June 7, 2000, Landsat 5 (path/row 157/39) — Lake Hamoun, Iran and Afghanistan
August 18, 2000, Landsat 7 (path/row 157/39) — Dust storm over Lake Hamoun, Iran and Afghanistan