Post-fire Recovery and Fire Modeling to Support Wildland Fuels Management in Sagebrush Steppe

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USGS is co-producing research on the science and adaptive management of recovering burned areas in sagebrush steppe and the response of those areas to restoration interventions.  Landsat, Sentinel, and USGS vegetation mapping products derived from them are key data inputs.  Multiple publications have resulted from this work, which is funded entirely from the BLM and FWS.

(a) Locations of 2726 sites in the western U.S. that received seeding treatments following fires between 1984 and 2005. Points indicate centroids of spatially contiguous clusters of pixels and have been slightly offset to reduce overlap. Point color reflects sites' mean sagebrush cover 10 years following treatment. (b–d) the range of 30-year mean spring (February–April) climate conditions for these sites (in purple), compared to the annual weather conditions (in teal) observed in the first 4 years following fire.


Author Name
Matt Germino
Author Email